General breakages of Ford Focus 3 steering rack

The experts at MSG Equipment take the machine rebuilding process very seriously. There is a specific remanufacturing procedure for each machine.
Main Ford Focus 3 rack and pinion failures
The parts of the steering mechanism are constantly subjected to increased loads. The steering rack is often exposed to water and road dust, and the rubbing elements are subject to wear.
The cause of knocking in the mechanism can be the wear and tear of the gears, natural wear of the bearings.
The Ford Focus 3 rack and pinion often fails if the dust cover is torn. Water and dust gets on the shaft, which causes corrosion. To prevent damage to the mechanism, you need to keep an eye on the condition of the dust covers and check the power supply to the electric motor.
Most common causes of steering rack failure are: moisture, mechanical impact, broken wiring, software error, failure of the steering torque sensor, loss of power.
Wear and tear of the gear set leads to backlash in the steering wheel, the car becomes uncontrollable. A large backlash can cause an accident.
A large backlash can cause an accident.
Symptoms of electric rack failure:
- Slipping of the steering rack. Such a breakdown is often associated with damage to the duster. In the teeth get dirt, which together with moisture is converted into an abrasive mass, «eating» teeth.
- More effort is required on the steering wheel. In mechanisms with parallel drive, the cause of breakage can be belt wear. In this case the belt must be replaced.
- The occurrence of mechanical noise when turning the steering wheel. The cause of the noise in the steering wheel area is most likely the electric actuator. A mechanical hum indicates bearing wear. If the electric actuator is dismantled, a full range of maintenance measures should be carried out.
- Late «recall» when turning the steering wheel. Such a malfunction appears due to sensor failure or ECU breakdown.
In specialised services for high-quality diagnostics use controllerMS561. The MS561 is used to test the performance of EPS units.
Big advantage of EPS controller is the presence of OBDII connector, which is needed to connect to it different diagnostic scanners. The controller firmware and unit database is updated via the internet, allowing the equipment to stay up to date for a long time.
The EPS controller has an OBDII connector, which is needed to connect it to various diagnostic scanners.