Equipment from MSG Equipment for the diagnostcs and repair of automotive units

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The vehicle operation includes the maintenance and repair. The diagnostics – the key step in the repair of any vehicle, unit, mechanism. The accuracy and the fullness of the diagnostics results in:

the failure elimination;
the amount of time that will be spent for the repair;
the costs of the repair.
It’s quite difficult to precisely identify the failure, and it's the professionals with a wide experience who can do it. Unfortunately, sometimes the parts and assemblies are replaced at a guess – without proper diagnostics. Commonly it happens because the car service stations are poorly equipped with the special-purpose equipment, and due to the low qualification of the servicemen.

Since 2013 MSG Equipment has been manufacturing the special-purpose equipment for the diagnostics and repair of vehicle units, the special tools for the dismantling of units. In addition, we share the methods of the diagnostics of vehicle unit technical condition as well as the repair methods in our training center.

The equipment range from MSG Equipment covers the following areas of the diagnostics and repair:

Starters and alternators
EPS units
HPS units
Air conditioners
Shock absorbers
Brake calipers
Particulate filter maintenance
Electric cars including Tesla – using LOKI device
Our equipment is used at car service stations and car repair shops - for the unit rebuilding, trading companies – for quality evaluation, schools – for personnel training and the manufacturers – for a final inspection of the products.

When developing our equipment, we pay extra attention to its relevance for the whole service life. The software updating and technical support, every customer gets free of charge.

Refer to Contacts to get in touch with us in regards to the equipment order.