Steering gear and power steering pump repair with equipment from MSG Equipment

Steering gear and power steering pump repair with equipment from MSG Equipment

The hydraulic power steering (HPS) system is an important system that helps drivers easily control their vehicles. Unlike the electric power steering (EPS) system, this system requires periodic maintenance. If this is not done, the system will quickly fail, which can lead to loss of control of the car and accidents.

To enable any car repair shop to organize the maintenance and repair of hydraulic power steering, our company has developed a range of diagnostic equipment capable of accurately determining the source of problems.

For initial diagnosis of the hydraulic power steering system, the MS610 andMS611 testers are used. These testers allow you to determine the presence of a malfunction in the pump or steering rack, and the need to remove them from the car for subsequent repair or replacement. 

To accurately determine the cause of a malfunction of a disassembled unit from a car, it is necessary to check it on the MS502M or MS604 stand. These stands can also perform a control check of the units after repair.

The MS502M stand diagnoses any type of steering rack, equipped with a fastening mechanism for the rack, and also includes all the necessary fittings for connecting any rack. The MS502M stand can be supplemented with a mechanism for diagnosing steering racks under load - the MS521, which allows you to identify malfunctions that occur only when there is resistance to the movement of the rack shaft.

 In turn, the MS604 stand allows you to assess the performance and output characteristics of single- and dual-circuit power steering pumps with mechanical drive. The stand provides speed control of the pump shaft from 0 to 1500 rpm, and the complex of instruments allows you to determine all the necessary data to evaluate the presence of deviations in the operation of the power steering pump. The set of fittings for connecting the most common power steering pumps is included in the stand kit.

Quite often, when repairing a power steering system, it is necessary to flush the system to remove contaminants and ensure uninterrupted and efficient operation of the system in the future. For these purposes, the mobile and compact MS603N stand is used, which operates on a 220V power supply. Thanks to a high-performance pump, the flushing process will not take much time. Additionally, if necessary, the MS603N stand can check the steering rack removed from the car.

A typical malfunction of the steering rack is corrosion of its shaft. The MS402 machine can remove corrosion by uniformly polishing the steering rack shaft until the required surface roughness is achieved, with minimal time expenditure.

In conclusion, it should be noted that special equipment is required to diagnose and repair the power steering system, which is capable of detecting malfunctions and eliminating them. The above-described equipment is necessary to ensure uninterrupted and efficient operation of power steering systems in cars. Mechanics should have access to such equipment and know how to use it for accurate diagnosis and repair of power steering systems.