Recruitment of personnel for a car service centre. How to convert quantity into quality

The success of any company, including a car service centre, depends not only on the amount of capital investment and a competent development plan, but also on the coherence and quality of staff work. That's why proper recruitment is one of the main stages of building a successful business. Moreover, it is important to be able not only to find a good specialist, but also to motivate him to work, investing time and resources in his constant development. Let's look at an example of how to select the right staff.
How to calculate the required number of service station staff
The efficiency of auto mechanics' work is affected by their skill level, speed and quality of labour, as well as the potential of service equipment.
A number of factors influence a workshop's labour requirements:
- management policies;
- sales plan for the services provided;
- consumer demand for the service provided;
- total number of productive hours, productivity and efficiency;
- number of repair areas, workspace layout and car service equipment characteristics;
- the possibilities of providing the required labour force;
- location and passability of the area in which the car repair shop is located
Let's consider an example of calculation of the necessary production staff of the service station
Number of hired personnel = Number of posts/Normative number of posts for 1 mechanic
Source data:
Number of universal posts – 10
Number of posts per mechanic – 1.3
Number of mechanics for hire – 10/1.3 = 7.7
What to look for when selecting candidates
- Previous work experience of the applicant. If your car service offers a high level of service, the service staff should have a working experience of 5 years or more, otherwise you will have to blush in front of clients for the unfair work of subordinates.
- Behavioural factor in social networks. Strange as it may seem, but in the world of modern technology can not ignore the virtual life of the future employee. If a decent guy/girl in a business suit came to the interview, it does not mean that the person is from the cultural strata of the population. Perhaps, he just needs a job and his appearance he is trying to favour the manager to his candidacy. But what can be a surprise if you look at his pages in popular social networks and see photos or statuses of an obscene nature! Conclusion: study in advance not only the candidate's resume, but also his behaviour in the informal environment of the Internet spaces.
- The speed and quality of the practical task. To assess the professionalism of a candidate for a vacancy, ask him to perform a small task, for example, to check the pressure in the tyres or make a diagnosis of the chassis (depending on the type of activity). Based on the results of the completed task, you are more likely to determine whether this specialist is suitable for you, or whether his CV highlights false information.
- Is there a criminal record or dismissal by article from the previous place of work. Undoubtedly, every citizen of our country has the right to make a mistake and rehabilitation. However, do not rush to become «good samaritan» and hire all comers. Remember that vigilance – an indispensable attribute of the head of any organisation in the selection of candidates, especially those whose employment is associated with material responsibility.
- Motivation when hiring. If your service station you do not want to see staff turnover, try to find out the true intention of employment of the applicant. Ask the future subordinate reasons for his departure from previous jobs, plans for the next 2-5 years, the vision of his duties, the desired salary. Offer to take a psychological test.
Wishing you to find a decent team of professionals and build a reliable business in car maintenance!"