Diagnostics of HPS pumps with Test Bench MS604

Test Bench MS604 enables a performance evaluation of single- and double-circuit pumps with mechanical drives. The bench simulates the real-time operation of the pump in a vehicle thus, providing current information on the unit condition.
The diagnostic procedure is as follows:
- An operator secures the unit on the bench with a three-jaw chuck and a special fixation system.
- The pump is connected to the Test Bench hydraulic line with the aid of adapter fittings (included in the equipment set)
- The operator uses the LCD screen to select the speed and direction of the pulley rotation. Upon setting up a speed of 1000 rpm (highest possible speed for most pumps), the operator measures the fluid flow in each of the circuits.

- The operator shuts off the fluid flow for 15-20 sec to simulate the wheel turning to its end positions and takes the manometer readings. He opens and closes the valve 4-5 times to assess the performance of the pump valves based on the fluid flow parameters – they should stay the same all the time. The fluid flow parameters and manometer readings should correspond to the technical characteristics of the pump specified in the catalog.
- The operator presses “STOP” on the touch screen to stop the drive. Another way to stop the drive is to open the chuck guard and press the EMERGENCY STOP button, thus, ensuring the safety of the equipment operation.
The use of Test Bench MS604 allows us to make a quick and precise evaluation of the pump technical condition and detect faults.
The Test Bench is easy to operate and doesn’t require operator’s high qualification or considerable experience. MS604 will make an eligible investment and a good helper to any car service station specialized in the repair of hydraulic power steering systems.