How to test car shock absorber? Where to start?

Shock absorbers – an important part of the car, if the shock absorbers wear out and fail, it significantly reduces driving comfort and safety.
A broken shock absorber often causes accelerated wear on other parts of the chassis. Hub bearings, ball bearings, wheel rims and tyres wear faster. Body geometry is also altered if the car is driven with non-working shock absorbers on bad roads.
Body geometry is also altered if the car is driven with non-working shock absorbers on bad roads.
5 ways to check your car's shock absorbers
To check the performance of your car shock absorber, you can use the following few effective ways.
Five Ways to Check Car Shock Absorbers
First method: visual inspection
A quick and free way to check the condition of the shock absorber for the following:
- oil leaks;
- corrosion;
- mechanical damage;
- wear of anthers.
If oil leaks are detected, the tightness of the shock absorber is broken due to natural wear or strong shocks. Low quality shock absorbers are leaking. If the road surface is poor, any shock absorbers will sooner or later fail in a season. If leakage is detected, the shock absorber should be replaced.
Rust traces on the surface of the body or rod, signalling that a thorough diagnosis of the shock absorber of the car is required. Corrosion can compromise the shock absorber's tightness.
The rubber, elastic dust cover protects the shock absorber and, if this element is damaged, moisture and dirt get on the rod, which accelerate wear of the shock absorber and cause corrosion.
A visual inspection can also reveal if the shock absorber is warped. If it is warped, the shock absorber needs to be replaced.
The shock absorber should be replaced.
Second method: Car Park Inspection
The vehicle is placed on a level surface. Press down hard on the corner of the body so that it sags and then release it in a sudden movement. What can happen as a result:
- the body immediately returns to its original position and stays still (the shock absorber is in good working order);
- the body lifts up on inertia, and returns to the initial position (shock absorber is in good condition if the suspension is soft);
- body makes a noticeable oscillation (shock absorber does not fulfil its function).
What are the dangers of operating a vehicle with a non-working shock absorber? When hitting any bump, the shock absorber will not be able to stabilise the car, the wheel loses traction. An out-of-control vehicle can cause an accident.
Third method: check on the move
On a flat stretch of road, accelerate the car to 40-50 km/h and turn sharply to the side and back (this method is suitable only for very experienced drivers and can be used on a safe stretch). If the car starts to lurch during the turn and the car continues to rock after levelling – the shock absorber has failed.
Then drive over uneven terrain, paying attention to the behaviour of the car, if the car is rocking constantly, the shock absorber has reached the end of its life.
The shock absorber has failed.
If you hear a knocking noise when you hit a speed bump, the shock absorber is loose and the shock absorber rod is hitting the body.
Fourth method: diagnosing a shock absorber that has been removed from the car
This method checks both new and used shock absorbers. It helps to evaluate the shock absorber's resistance force.
The shock absorber is stretched as far as possible, with the stem resting on a hard surface. Next, pile on top of it, and squeeze sharply until it stops. If the operation was carried out without effort and quickly, there is no resistance – the shock absorber is unsuitable for further use.
The shock absorber is not suitable for further use.
It is quite difficult to stretch and fold the shock absorber in good condition. The stem must move straight, without any deviation.
The shock absorber is not suitable for further use.
Fifth method: bench diagnosis
The most reliable and correct way to check the shock absorber – diagnostics on a special bench, which will show how much life is left and whether it can still be used further.
When the vehicle is driven mainly on uneven road surfaces, the shock absorbers should be diagnosed regularly during the vehicle inspection.
For shock absorber diagnostics in service stations and workshops, MSG Equipment offers professional equipment – the MS1000+ stand. Using special equipment, you can quickly and accurately determine the condition of shock absorbers. The diagnostic bench determines the need for repair, assesses the quality of the shock absorber after repair and its compliance with technical specifications.
Find out more about the possibilities of professional equipment for diagnostics and repair of shock absorbers on the website or by contacting the company's managers.