Tips for operating your vehicle in winter

Winter is a time of frozen batteries, frost on the windows and a cold car interior. To keep you from getting snowed in while you're trying to warm the keyhole or de-ice the windscreen, use our tips on how to look after your pet during the snow and frost.
Open car park
- Defrost locks.
To melt the ice in the keyhole, use special defrosters based on isopropanol, white spirit, mineral/synthetic oil. Usually defrosting liquids are presented in the form of an aerosol, the method of application is indicated on the bottle. Defrosters from Hi-Gear, LiquiMoly, Lukoil are a priority. They will perfectly cope with their task and will not cause corrosion of the lock metal.
It is not worth pouring boiling water into the lock latch, because in severe frosts water can simply freeze or damage the paintwork of the body.
Tip:To prevent the locks and rubber door seal from freezing, use silicone grease or WD-40, which displaces water.
- Starting the engine and clearing snow from the vehicle.
When you've got into the cabin and turned the ignition key, open the heater tap and wait for the engine to warm up. In the meantime, you can busy yourself cleaning the windscreen. Use a special scraper and sweep away frost residue with a brush. As for the bodywork, sweep off the snow, but don't be too diligent so that you don't strip the paintwork along with the ice.
When the engine is well warmed up, switch on the fan to blow the windows.
- Freeing the wheels from snow deposits.
If there was a heavy snowstorm overnight and your wheels are heavily covered in snow, a small demolition shovel can help you dig them out. With a few movements, your car is ready to hit the road.
As with overnighting your car outdoors, you'll first need to defrost the locks. To do this, grab the defrosting agent mentioned above. Next, use a shovel to clear the driveway out of the garage. If the driveway is covered in ice instead of snow, sprinkle sand on it.
Now start the engine. If it's a carburettor, follow the rules below.
Open the bonnet and use the petrol pump to pump fuel into the float chamber, then sit in the car, pull out the choke, put the car on the handbrake and move the gearbox lever into neutral. Without releasing the clutch, engage the starter for 3-5 seconds. Release it when the engine starts to run smoothly.
Leave the starter alone for 10-15 seconds, then try again. If your efforts fail after 3-4 repetitions, there may be ice in the carburettor diffusers or the battery may have a low electrolyte level.
Allow the starter to rest for 3-15 seconds, then try again.
To make your efforts easier, use «Quick Start » aerosol. Inject it into the intake manifold and try to start the car. You'll save time, nerves and extend the life of the battery, starter and engine.
Winter driving rules
- Check the condition of headlights and do not forget to switch them on in time, as visibility on the road in winter is worse than in summer.
- Try to sit upright while driving, wearing a seat belt.
- Before driving on a busy road, drive the car at different speeds, assessing the quality of traction and the car's response.
- Press the pedals gently, avoid overtaking, otherwise the car may skid.
- Keep your distance, especially at traffic lights and pedestrian crossings, as ice on the road may prevent emergency braking.
Do not neglect basic tips on car operation and road behaviour in winter.