How to choose a heater

Autonomous heaters have become very popular among drivers today. The feasibility of using a heater is due to the economic benefits. Modern cars are almost always equipped with an in-built heating system. But in winter, when the stationary heating system is constantly switched on, more fuel is wasted. For daily use for heating purposes, it is better to use autonomous heaters to save on fuel in winter.
The types of heaters
The most common – air and liquid types of heaters. The principle of operation of air heaters is similar to that of a hairdryer.
The heat is generated by a diesel-powered air heater by burning fuel in a chamber, from where the air is transported to the cabin already heated. There are many variants of air heaters and the choice of models and designs is huge. You can place such a heater inside the cabin in any position, the main thing is that it should be securely fixed. This unit draws fuel from a separate or main tank.
The principle of operation of a liquid heater is a little more complicated than that of an air heater. The liquid heater tank is mounted under the bonnet, near the internal combustion engine. The electrics are connected to the on-board power supply. It is easy to control the liquid heater – it works from the remote control (you can set a timer, set the necessary time of switching on). Once the underhood is heated, the liquid moves on through the pipes to heat the interior, locks and windows.
There is a gas version of autonomous heating, which does not require connection to the car's power supply. The system is most suitable for heating the interior of lorries. The system requires standard gas equipment – a gas cylinder.
The following factors should be considered when choosing a heater:
- The size and design features of the car;
- The capacity of the electrical system;
- How often the heating will be used;
- What are the climatic characteristics of the region;
Air type heaters and liquid type heaters are most suitable for passenger cars. Air heater is easy to install, has an affordable cost, does not discharge the battery, but for warming the engine in winter it is not suitable. A liquid heater will quickly warm up frozen windows, locks, doors and warm up the engine.
Air conditioner maintenance
Care about a comfortable temperature in the car interior is necessary both in winter and summer. During the cold season, the car air conditioner is usually not switched on, so after winter the air conditioner needs preventive maintenance.
Equipment for repair and maintenance of the car air conditioner in the car service centre will help to identify and eliminate deficiencies in the system. The use of special equipment «MSG equipment» will speed up the speed of customer service, and in some cases without it it is impossible to determine the malfunction.