Car Diagnostics as a business: Where to start? What equipment is a key?

Car Diagnostics as a business: Where to start? What equipment is a key?

Car service business remains at a high demand due to the number of cars on the roads that keeps increasing. And cars – malfunction, break, and they had to be repaired by someone.

Starting the business, first steps one should make:

  1. Specify the business activity.
  2. Study the details of the working processes and train the staff.
  3. Purchase the equipment for car diagnostics.

Business idea for service shops – diagnostics.

The qualified diagnostics specialists are hunted by any service shop as well as they are always welcomed at the sector of the used car selection. The sufficient knowledge of car repair and diagnostics let provide the services in selection and evaluation of used cars. Nowadays, two areas have generated at this service sector, and they are getting more popular year by year:

  • cars with IC engines;
  • electro cars Tesla.

In big cities, the demand for services never goes down while this market niche can be vacant at all.

Variety of the equipment for car diagnostics

Different equipment will be required for different diagnostics application and volume of the provided services at repair shops and service centers.

For the diagnostics of the cars with IC engines and hybrids, the main tool is the diagnostics scanner, as Autel MaxiSys Pro 908, UCDS, ODIS Engineering and Service. The knowledge on the car construction and function systems are required for diagnostics performing.

The compact testers, such asMS016 – for diagnostics of the starters and alternators without disassembling from a car orMS121 - for the clutches and AC compressor valves, make the diagnostics easier, and are well applicable for small repair shops.

The special device LOKI was designed for the diagnostics of Tesla electro cars. It allows:

  • update a car from AP22.53.0 MXMSM3;
  • install and adjust the navigation;
  • install new firmwares;
  • change car configuration;
  • read alerts with the explanations;
  • delete service alerts;
  • read DTC from the separate car units with the further explanations.


To make the business profitable, in addition to the legal financial and accounting skills, one should have the appropriate technical knowledge and skills.

The training center MSG Equipment offers the classes for the training of specialists of repair shops on the most popular car diagnostics areas. The trainings are conducted with the special equipment and tools.


To make the car service business profitable, the professional facilities are a must-have: testers, test benches and other specific equipment). To provide services of a high quality, all the specialists at car service center should train and upgrade the skills.

Following the recommendations above, you’ll keep your business successful and profitable for many years.