Brake caliper repair with own hands

Most modern cars have disc brakes. The main element of the brake system is a caliper. For the system normal operation and effectively, it is necessary to keep an eye out for its technical condition. To do this, you can contact a service center for professional help or to check and repair with your own hands.
Signs of brake caliper breakage:
- Extended length of brake path;
- Car begins tending in different directions during braking;
- Groaning and unusual sounds are heart.
There are many reasons for brake caliper fault. Here are some of them:
- Pilot wear;
- Surface contamination of brake pad freewheeling;
- Piston boot damage;
- Pressurization leakage of piston cuff.
Most of the damages can be easily fixed by purchasing a repair kit or by repairing a caliper. Unit rebuilding is much cheaper than its completely replace.
Brake system repair
Jack up the car for wanted wheel removing. Next, you need to check brake pads and identify how equally they are worn. Remove the caliper from the catch, make a close search of the piston boot. While pushing the piston into the housing it should have a light stroke. It happens that dirt accumulates behind the boot and, as a result, corrosion appears.
Check the place under the boot, using a special tool. The piston must be clean and without damages. If you find any damage, the caliper must be rebuilt.
Brake caliper disassembling:
- To prevent fluid loss, pinch the hose;
- Disconnect the brake hose from the caliper body;
- Screw off the hold-down bolts of the axial slideways;
- Remove the guides from the catch, remove the boot guides;
- Remove the piston boot;
- Take out the piston from the caliper housing;
- Remove the old cuff;
- Clean the boot installing and the cuff groove;
- Clean the whole unit;
- Fix the cuff into the groove;
- Install a clean or new piston;
- Put on new boots.
This article describes the unit servicing process of the repair kit replace. Such repair is on the table in the case of the main parts integrity of a caliper. If the condition of one or several parts is unsuitable for use - contact a service station, where an expert using special tools and equipment for diagnostic of brake calipers, will perform all the necessary procedures.
Remember that an operatively brake system in a car is a foundation of the safety of a driver and passenger.