Top 5 in-demand professions in the car repair shop

Autoservices are engaged in a voluminous complex of works on diagnostics of failures, technical service of motor transport, restorative and major repairs.
Autoservice specialists are fluent in:
- Skills in working with electrical, electronic, microprocessor systems;
- The latest technologies in the field of service and maintenance of transport;
- Practical skills necessary for repair and diagnostics of motor transport;
- For the fulfilment of professional duties are involved performers with special knowledge and working skills. Consider the most in-demand professions for work at the car service.
Specialities of the profession: auto mechanic
Automechanic – one of the important, key employees of a car repair shop who can fix almost any technical fault. He or she inspects the vehicle, performs initial diagnostics, and performs maintenance.
Varieties of the auto mechanic profession:
- Specialist in chassis repair;
- Motorist-diesel mechanic;
- Transmission repair specialist;
- Automechanic diagnostician.
The chassis repair technician carries out comprehensive inspection and repairs the chassis of the car, using modern diagnostic equipment and devices.
The chassis is always under load, even when the vehicle is stationary. It is possible to recognise any knocking or vibration in the running gear. Keep in mind that routine chassis inspection and maintenance is much cheaper than a full chassis repair. Running gear diagnostics is carried out for trucks – every 15 thousand kilometres of mileage, for cars – always at oil change.
The mechanic tests the car on the stand. Comprehensive diagnostics includes a general check and diagnostics of the main units, shock absorbers, springs.
Mechanic tests the vehicle on a stand.
Mechanic motorist-dieselist
Motorist-diesel mechanic is responsible for diagnosing and repairing engines of all makes of cars of all degrees of complexity.
Before proceeding to the repair, the specialist makes a diagnosis, voices the scope and timing of the necessary work. If the engine is damaged and cannot be repaired, he helps with the selection of a new engine, its installation and adjustment of all systems.
The professional duties of engine mechanics also include engine overhaul.
The transmission repair mechanic is engaged in repair activities, which consist of preparing and carrying out operations to restore the functional resources of the transmission elements. In order to identify faults, the technicians use technology that will help identify the fault and the underlying causes with the utmost precision.
Transmission repair mechanics are dedicated to repairing the transmission, which consists of preparing and carrying out operations to restore the functionality of the transmission components.
Mechanics are engaged in major maintenance of transmission systems, parts and assemblies, which involves a complete disassembly of the entire system into its components. This allows the transmission to be examined for deformation and normal warranty wear.
Mechanics perform major maintenance on transmission systems, parts and assemblies, which involves completely disassembling the entire system into its components.
Automechanic Diagnostician
Automechanic diagnostician deals with troubleshooting using computerised diagnostic tools.
Diagnost — is exceptional in its environment auto business specialist, he is professionally versed in motors, their connection to the units, and the main blocks, systems. The speciality of diagnosticiana is not new and extremely popular, competent diagnostics is a guarantee of fast professional repair, saving time and money of the service manager.
Accurate and correct diagnosis is possible only after a thorough study and correlation of the work of all major systems for fuel supply, ignition, specific measurements. Today there is a large number of sophisticated devices, equipment for diagnostic operations, and trained in all the subtleties of the specialty diagnostician, using advanced techniques, determines the faults, their causes and ways of elimination.
The diagnostician has deep knowledge, because he is the first link in the scheme of diagnosis / repair. The worker of this profile knows all systems of cars and trucks, has skills of using updated changes and versions of equipment, devices to perform diagnostic activities for vehicles of different production.
The speciality of diagnostician today is especially attractive and in demand, and as a consequence, it is highly paid by the employer.
Specialities of the profession: auto electrician
Electrician in a car is responsible for its safety, controls all the major systems and little things that make the use of the car particularly comfortable.
A car electrician is responsible for its safety, controls all the major systems and little things that make the use of the car particularly comfortable.
The work of auto electricians is divided into two specialisations: auto electronics and auto electrics.
The electrician's duties include diagnosing the car for breakdowns, and after examining the problem, making the right decision to fix the problem.
A skilled auto electrician is able to quickly find and fix any electrical fault on cars and lorries. The role of this speciality is becoming increasingly popular every year.
An experienced auto electrician can quickly find and fix any electrical problem on cars and trucks.
Speciality of the profession: body repairman
The body repairman is engaged in the repair and fabrication of the body.
Body repair itself can be divided into two sections. The first is called — restoration, it has its own three subsections: «museum», «ride», «exhibition». The second section — commercial direction, it is the repair — they are engaged in car services, its purpose: restorative measures of load-bearing, geometric and decorative properties of the body.
The profession of the master of body repair includes several narrow specialisations:
All specialisations have a common basis and are included in the duties of a body repairman.
The bodybuilder has thorough knowledge of body parts, properties of metals, plastics, knows all types of welding, soldering, cutting. The bodybuilder uses the techniques of straightening and poking to obtain a given result. Possesses technologies for the restoration of body parts damaged in an accident, makes both major repairs and minor repairs of the body, can eliminate defects on fibreglass bodies.
Specialities of the profession: car painter
The work of an automobile painter in the field of car service, is really unusual, because it requires specific skills and knowledge. The car painter must know the basic and auxiliary colour tones, he must have a professional ability to think artistically. It is a creative job, but it also requires technical knowledge to calculate consumables. The car painter must immediately see and identify irregularities, defects of the car before the procedure.
Automaller carries out the following work: preparation of tools and the surface of the car, selection of materials, painting.
The recent emergence of — airbrushing in the automotive service has given rise to a new specialisation.
Aerographer — is a true automotive artist who is able to give an ordinary car a unique look. Car airbrushing is a great way to stand out, show your own uniqueness and importance.
Notew! Airbrush — a great way to protect your car from theft. There have been no reported cases of theft of a brightly coloured, exclusive example of a car that draws attention to itself in the stream of cars.
An airbrush is a great way to protect your car from theft.
Aerography today is actively developing in two vectors: copying and creating new designs.
Specialities of the profession: car tinsmith
A car tinsmith combines several professions at once, in addition to the main direction, is engaged in preparing the body for repair work, welding.
The work of a car tinkerer consists in repair work, during which the specialist is engaged in restoring the geometry of the body, straightening dents after an accident, straightening, welding, welding, fitting new parts in place, cleaning, puttying.
A car tinkerer is engaged in repair work, during which the specialist is engaged in restoring the geometry of the body, straightening dents after an accident, straightening, welding, fitting new parts in place, stripping, puttying.
A car tinkerer is engaged in repair work.
The demand for such specialists is quite high, and the job of a tinsmith is one of the highest paid in the car repair industry.
Because the number of motor vehicles is steadily increasing every year, car services have become a popular area of business development, which means that highly qualified specialists are in high demand in the motor transport industry. The complexity of car repair work is also increasing, as manufacturers are producing more and more advanced car models.
To be a highly qualified specialist of car service today is prestigious and economically profitable, because carrying out repair work involves specific knowledge and skills that are highly paid. Every year the demand for such a high calibre of staff is increasing.
In order to be always «on the wave », it is necessary to constantly improve and update knowledge, skills. Training in modern diagnostics of units and systems will help to increase the reputation, qualification level of car service masters, develop the base of already existing knowledge and skills.
Training in modern diagnostics of units and systems will help.
Training for car service specialists is:
- Preparer;
- Colourist;
- Painter;
- Armaturist;
- Gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills;
- Accessible form of information presentation;
- Individual counselling with a bias of the chosen direction of the course.
The time and effort spent on training will pay off many times over in the future. Training at MSG equipment centre gives you the opportunity to improve the professional level of your employees, to master new techniques in the field of transport maintenance.
All details of the author's training programme are available here on the website.