The most popular workshop services

The number of motor vehicles purchased is only growing every year; Russians have already caught up with European countries in terms of the number of personal cars. Almost every family has one car. This is very good not only for the people who buy them, but also for new and developing entrepreneurs in the field of car maintenance and repair. All motor vehicles need diagnosis and repair sooner or later. Therefore, the business of providing automotive services – very much in demand and acutely relevant. Besides, it is easier and more profitable to repair a broken part than to buy a new one.
Seasonal fluctuations in demand for certain types of car services
It is always important to remember that certain auto repair services are seasonal in nature. So don't be surprised to see a large queue at the service station or a complete lack of customers.
So, don't be surprised if you see a large queue at the service station or, on the contrary, a complete absence of customers.
The highest point of demand for chassis testing and repair is in April and May. This is due to the preparation of vehicles for the summer season and the elimination of chassis problems that occurred during the spring.
The engine repair service is most in demand in winter, and this is apparently due to severe frosts. In spring such car services as diagnostics, refuelling and cleaning of air conditioning systems, change of winter tyres for summer ones are more demanded. Tyre fitting and cambering are popular at any time of the year. With our roads, this service will always be popular.
In general, it is important to note the fact that apart from monthly fluctuations in demand for certain workshop services, there is also a completely dead period − it is a few weeks after the New Year. This is the most difficult period for the car service station, when there is a risk of getting minimal or no profit.
And this is the most difficult period for the car service station.
The most in-demand workshop services
According to research and statistical data, the most popular works (services) at service stations are as follows:
The most popular services
- testing and technical inspection of the car – is carried out to assess the technical condition of the car as a whole and its individual units, assemblies and systems;
- diagnostics and repair of electrical equipment of the car;
- tire fitting, balancing and camber – these services are most popular among drivers;
- Engine repair;
- Chassis and steering system repair;
- lubrication and fuelling works and oil change;
- welding and body repair
Opening your own car service – is a profitable investment. From a practical point of view, it is quite difficult to divide the services into those that are in demand and those that are not popular. It should always be remembered that there is a seasonality of work in car services. In addition, different large service stations have their own peculiarities, and most often they already have a service that is high-margin.
A word of advice to budding entrepreneurs planning to open their own service station – assess first, how sharp the competition in this niche in a particular territory, study the services that are most popular and only then boldly include them in the price list. You can take a risk and immediately provide customers with a wide range of car services, but do not forget about your own capabilities, the potential of the territory and the qualifications of your employees.