Repairing modern cars: from simple to complex

Every year, new products from the foreign car industry surprise our compatriots more and more. The automotive giants are striving to improve safety and comfort for drivers and passengers, and to make vehicle control as independent of humans as possible by introducing new electronic technologies. The ECU has effectively become the brains of the car, but what happens when the most powerful system suddenly fails?
Remembering the 80-90s of the last century, when the design of manufactured «Volga» or «Zhiguli» was extremely simple, we can safely say that to eliminate the maximum of breakdowns experienced car owner could with his own hands or with the help of savvy neighbour-technician. Maintenance of modern «stuffed» electronically equipped cars requires special knowledge, use of high-precision diagnostic equipment for service stations and special tools. And no wonder, because replacing a faulty battery or headlight bulb of a number of foreign cars by yourself sometimes results in a sea of misunderstanding, wasted nerves and time.
From the above, the conclusion is that the repairability of new foreign cars leaves much to be desired, and the restoration of an expensive modern car will not do without recourse to a specialised car service.
Benefits of car repair in the auto technical centre
When you entrust the repair of your own car to «officials» or unauthorised car services with a high reputation, you can be sure of quality maintenance.
When you entrust the repair of your car «officials» or unauthorised car services with a high reputation, you can be sure of quality maintenance.
To find and eliminate breakdowns of the internal combustion engine, ECU, climate control system, hydraulic steering system units and other complex mechanisms of modern cars, real professionals carry out a whole range of work:
- visual inspection of defects;
- identification of faults with the help of highly specialised diagnostic benches and devices;
- troubleshooting with replacement of worn-out auto parts with new ones;
- testing of the restored mechanism for operability;
- mounting on the car and fine-tuning (if necessary).
Of course, you should be prepared for financial costs, because in case of serious breakdowns of a number of complex expensive units, they are replaced completely.
Finally, we would like to say that, despite the complexity of the design of new-fangled cars, the qualification of employees of service stations also does not stand still. The main thing – when choosing a car service centre carefully study the market of services, familiarise yourself with customer feedback. Thus you will be able to «screen out» charlatans and be calm in the quality of work performed on the outcome of the transfer of the repaired car at your disposal.