Malfunction of the by-pass valve of the hydraulic power unit

Despite the increasing popularity of electric power steering, hydraulic power steering is still the most common.
Functional features of hydraulic power steering:
- Creates and changes pressure in the system;
- Provides safe and easy driving of the car.
- Protects internal pump parts from overheating
If a pump breaks down, it can adversely affect other parts, so the problem must be addressed immediately.
Main breakdowns
The trouble-free service life of the GSD pump is influenced most of all by compliance with elementary rules of operation. Hazardous Factors:
- Systematic, untimely oil change. Outdated or unsuitable oil, leads to overheating of the pump and wear of rubbing parts;
- Turning the steering wheel to the extreme position causes overloading
Repair of the relief valve of the hydraulic steering gear
If there is a feeling that the GUR pump has stopped working correctly, it is necessary to contact a specialised repair service. If the driver discovers the cause of the fault himself, it is difficult to rectify it on his own.
Insufficient belt tension, leads to shocks in the steering part. As a result, the fluid is pumped into the system unevenly and the bypass valve cannot solve the problem.
It is possible to correct the loss of mobility of the pump valve. This will require a complete rebuild of the pump, flush all assemblies and replace worn parts. On some makes of car it is problematic to eliminate this defect. In this case, the possibility of repairing the pump valve can only be confirmed after a preliminary diagnosis.
Maintenance of the relief valve must be carried out in accordance with the operating instructions. To prevent the loss of movement of the hydraulic power steering valve, systematically open the hydraulic power steering reservoir to check the fluid level and cleanliness. If necessary, top up with the recommended type of fluid or have the fluid replaced by a specialist service.
Maintain the hydraulic fluid.