How to store tyres in winter

The basic rule is that car tyres should be stored at least one metre away from heating devices. Tyres can be stored at temperatures between - 30 °C and + 35 °C. Tubeless tyres should be stored in such a way that the beads are not deformed.
The tyres must be safely protected from direct exposure to ultraviolet light, the sun's rays can change the structure of the tyre carcass. The sun, if exposed for long periods of time, reduces the elasticity of the rubber, leading to its destruction. Tyres should also be protected from rain and snow. There are special tyre covers for this purpose.
How to prepare tyres for storage
Before packing tyres into covers, they should be washed thoroughly. Dirt can accelerate the ageing process. While cleaning, be sure to inspect the tyres for hernias, cuts and other damage. The bags or plastic bags where the tyres will be stored should be opened to prevent corrosion on the rims.
Today, many car services provide drivers with a service – tyre storage. Wheels can be deposited after the car has been tyre-sprayed, which is very convenient for drivers who do not own their own garage.
Wheels can be stored in a garage.
Service – tyre hotel
The cost of storing an entire set of tyres depends on the size of the tyres and how long they are stored. Generally, the cost of storing a wheel and a tyre is not different as the charge is per location. At these locations, tyre fitting and diagnostic services are often available.
The cost of storing a whole set of tyres depends on the size of the tyre and the length of time it is stored.
The service «tyre hotel» has become quite common in recent years. The customer of the car service station in which he is served does not need to think about where to store a seasonal set of tyres. Tyre hotel helps to solve the issue of rubber storage when there is no garage or summer house.
Autoservices are not limited to providing one additional service. At the service station they carry out diagnostics with the use of special equipment and tools. To assess the working condition of the car is carried out test drive, it allows you to learn about the state of the car at different loads and speed. Having compared the features that are detected during the test drive with the results of diagnostics on the equipment, the master gives the result. Diagnostic equipment «MSG equipment» allows you to get quickly accurate diagnostic picture.
Where to do diagnostics of car systems
Do the diagnostics is best done in a car service centre, where there is all the necessary equipment for diagnostics of the car and where you are going to carry out repairs. Service station masters are almost always sceptical about the results of diagnostics, which was carried out in another car service.