What should one flush the particulate filter with? Lifehacks or trusted methods?

The particulate filter in the exhaust gas system – useful invention that prevents the carbon dust from harming the environment and human health. During its operation the particulate filter gets clogged, and once the clogging level is high, the filter requires the maintenance or the replacement.
Important! The removal of the particulate filter shall not be considered – health is a top priority!
Currently there are two methods on service of the particulate filters:
- Cleansing with the special agents without dismantling of the filter from a car.
- Dismantling of filter and its flushing at the special station.
Your decision on the appropriate method depends on the understanding of the particulate filter clogging processes.
Why does the particulate filter clog?
The clogging begins when the diesel fuel burns and the carbon dust generates. Yet, the carbon dust itself is not the reason of the clogging because the manufacturers designed all the engines with particulate filters so the regenerating (carbon dust burning) goes nature’s way there. Carbon dust may burn incompletely. It happens due to the low fuel quality. The ash that generates on the filter body is the main reason of clogging.
It’s commonly known that engine oil gets into cylinders of any internal combustion engine (ICE), and oil combustion residues remain in particulate filter. It results in the accumulation of a mixture of carbon dust, ash and engine oil residuals. The self-cleaning system cannot dispose of this mixture.
Cleansing with the special agents without dismantling of the filter from a car.
The particulate filter is flushed without dismantling from a car in three stages. You will need a special kit that consists of a spray gun, a probe with flexible hose, cleansing and flushing mixes.
- First, the special cleanser is provided through a mounting spot hole of a pressure sensor and/or temperature sensor. You will need around 1 liter of a cleanser. The liquid shall remain in the filter body for 15 minutes.
- The same way, now the special flushing mix is provided to the filter. The mix will neutralize and flush the cleanser residuals.
- Once the procedure is completed, the pressure sensor and/or temperature sensor is mounted back. Then one should start and the engine and warm the engine.
Thus, the self-cleaning mode starts either enforced or “naturally”. To finalize the procedure successfully, the diesel engine should run aggressively at middle and high speeds during 20 minutes, so the electronic control unit (ECU) started by itself the particulate filter regenerating process.
This method is recommended for those who drive mostly in the city. In this case, the particulate filter regenerating process is not complete, so the method is preventive. For more thorough cleaning of the clogged filter this method won’t work.
Particulate filter flushing at special station
The professional flushing of the dismantled filter is effected at the special station and requires several stages.
- Prior to the start cleaning, one should inspect the filter visually and make sure that the filter has no defects.
- First, the filter is blown through with air, and the clogging level is determined.
- Then the filter is filled with a washing liquid (from the side of the exhaust gas inlet).
- The filter should be left upright for some time that depends on the filter clogging level and on the characteristics of the cleanser.
- Now, the filter is connected to the station and the flushing with the water flow starts.
- During the flushing, the filter is also connected from the opposite side so the flushing was in both directions.
- Next is a drying, when the filter is blown through with a hot air flow.
- The last stage supposes the re-test that will show the flushing results.
This technology ensures the recovery of the parameters of a flushed filter, which are close to the factory parameters of a new filter. Despite its price and the required time, it’s the most effective flushing method.
Which method to choose, the specialist discusses with a car owner. However, making decision, one should remember that a new particulate filter is expensive, that’s why the professional filter flushing at the station – the best from the possible options.