How do I choose a service station?

After buying a car, the question that arises before every car enthusiast after a few years is where to get the car repaired in case of a breakdown. Nowadays, there are many companies offering maintenance services, so there is always a choice between the best service stations. What should you be guided by when choosing a service station, so that you are not cheated and who can be trusted?
«Subtle» nuances of choosing a service station
There are many large and small companies in the sphere of car repair and maintenance services, and a person has to decide for himself who to entrust his car to.
A motorists face the main problem – not to become a victim of rivalry-competition, which is present in this type of activity.
The main problem before the motorists is – not to become a victim of rivalry-competition, which is present in this type of activity.
While your car is being repaired, the service station can offer you coffee, tea and many other related «pleasant» extras. In a car service station «garage type» these accompanying services are not provided. There is only one single sign, by which you can judge the car service – it is a queue. People who have signed up for repair in this service station – this is the criterion indicator of quality, on which you can safely rely.
The main features of a good service station
are the following
- number of repair boxes;
- location;
- availability of equipment for service station - diagnostics and repair;
- clean appearance of service personnel;
- additional services;
- customer feedback;
We do not recommend that you immediately abandon small services and look for official centres that service certain car brands. In this case, everything depends on the complexity and severity of the problem. For example, if you need to change your oil or brake pads, you can do it in a small car service centre. But everything that concerns engine repair and other more complex structural elements – here you need to trust only a professional. No one says that in small «garages-autoservices» do not work professionals. Often they are self-taught people who have been in this market for a long time. The whole nuance is that small stations do not have such equipment as large ones, and therefore not always correctly identified the focus of the breakdown. The end result that awaits you is a poorly repaired car.
The importance of the location of the car repair shop
If you haven't made your final choice yet, we recommend travelling to the location where the service station is located. The location and the facade of the building can indicate how long the company has been operating in the car market and how stable and good its business is. An indispensable condition for the functioning of the company is always cleanliness. Such service stations guarantee an attentive and careful attitude to the car. However, the service fee here will be much higher than for «garage» repair at Sergei Petrovich. Ask your friends and colleagues where they undergo maintenance. From their stories and descriptions, you will get a rough picture of these or those stations.
The final choice is always yours. You need to think about the pros and cons. Often saving money and time can lead to serious expenses in the future. It is necessary to adhere to «golden mean» between «garage masters» and prestigious service stations. It is always possible that a small firm will perform auto work for a modest fee no worse than a presentable service station.
The above rules for selecting a service station are not all-exhaustive, as each driver can add something else to them. But taking them into account, you can get unbiased information when selecting «your» service, and, therefore, make your choice correct and justified.
These rules are not exhaustive, as each driver can add something else of his own.