Harms of air conditioning - 5 myths

Many motorists have heard stories about the harm of car air conditioning. Let's familiarise ourselves with common myths to understand what really harms the air conditioner and what you should do to avoid it.
Myth 1
Auto air conditioning can cause illness.
To some extent, this myth is true. It is possible to get sick after travelling in an air-conditioned car, but it is the people who break the rules of its use who are to blame.
To avoid catching a cold in an air-conditioned car, you should:
- Reduce the temperature in the car interior gradually;
- It is better to direct the air jet not at the person, but away from him;
Do not open the windows when the air conditioner is on. This creates a draught, and it provokes the occurrence of colds.
Myth 2
A car air conditioner can poison you with benzene.
According to scientific studies, at t 16°C the accumulation of benzene compounds increases in the interior of a car. The circulation of benzene around the cabin can be dangerous, and benzene is harmful to the internal organs of humans, but its effects are easily preventable.
Benzene can be harmful to the internal organs of humans.
To protect your body from exposure to this substance, simply ventilate the interior of your car.
Myth 3
Car air conditioning can spread harmful bacteria.
When the air conditioner is running, condensation builds up in the radiator. Harmful bacteria can actively multiply in the condensate, and dust accumulates in the filter where microbes live. It is clear that during switching on the conditioner, germs are spread in the salon. But, spreading of viruses and germs in the cabin can happen only due to the fault of the owner of the car, who does not care about maintenance of his own car. Diagnostic procedures, regular air conditioner cleaning and filter changes will keep harmful bacteria out of the middle of the air conditioner.
Myth 4
Turning on the car air conditioner will increase fuel consumption.
It's true that when the air conditioning is turned on, fuel consumption increases by about 10 per cent. But when a driver decides to save a little money and switches off the air conditioner while driving on a country motorway, it is necessary to know that when the windows are open, fuel consumption increases by 20%.
The fuel consumption increases by 20%.
Myth 5
When the air conditioning is on, the driver gets more tired.
Because of the dry air in the cabin, motorists often complain of drowsiness. To prevent this from happening, you should switch off the air conditioning from time to time. And when travelling long distances, ventilate the passenger compartment.
Remember! If the temperature inside the car is above 27 °C, the risk of accidents increases by 35%. This means that installing an air conditioner in your car is not only not harmful, it can save lives.
To eliminate malfunctions of the air conditioning system, the company «MSG equipment» offers equipment for repair and maintenance of car air conditioners. On sale are devices that are characterised by reliability and practicality. They provide accurate and fast diagnostics of car air conditioners.