How essential is an AC system for an electric vehicle?

Hybrid and electric vehicles are cost-effective and environmental-friendly. The most important part of such a vehicle is its battery, as it generates power in the amount necessary to move a car. Most often, they are lithium-ion or nickel-metal hydrate high voltage batteries installed in electric vehicles.
Rules of operation
There are strict limitations as to the battery operational conditions, and one of the most important implies mandatory compliance with the required temperature range. The battery temperature should not exceed +40°C. Otherwise, it will significantly shorten its service life. Temperatures below -10°C badly affect the battery capacity. Temperature drops are also highly undesirable. In addition to the above said, the temperature between the battery components must be within the operational limits.
During the summertime, the temperatures rise high, and batteries often heat up well above the extreme 40 °C. As a result, a battery wear-out and failure may happen much faster.
How to prevent a battery wear-out?
To resist a wear-out caused by overheating, the manufacturers designed a thermal control system for batteries in electric and hybrid cars.
How does the battery thermal control system work? A specialized cooling loop is embedded into the battery structure. The cooling fluid consisting of water and glycol circulates through the system. If the temperature is low, the heating element in the system heats the fluid. If the temperature is high, the excess heat is taken from the system by the air conditioner equipped with a special loop.
Therefore, air conditioners in electric vehicles are the same important as engine-cooling systems in gasoline vehicles. Failure of an AC in an electric car leads to multiple problems.
Diagnostic equipment for electric and hybrid vehicles
Regular inspection and maintenance of the air conditioning system are essential for the trouble-free performance of electric and hybrid vehicles. It is necessary to remember that diagnostics and repair of such systems require high qualifications of the technicians and the use of proper equipment.
Test benchMS112 is one of the company's new products. It is designed to diagnose electric AC compressors with the embedded inverter and supply voltage of 140- 400v.d.c. MS112 tests the electric part of a compressor and assesses the output.
Test bench MS112 for electric AC compressors is a good choice for car workshops specializing in electric and hybrid vehicles.
MSG Equipment is a producer of professional diagnostic and repair systems. We have our own Training Center where specialists of our company carry out advanced training courses for repair technicians.