MSG Equipment at international trade show plug-in Ukraine

What: Plug-in Ukraine 2021.⠀⠀
When: 14-16 September 2021.⠀⠀
Where: exhibition centre «KyivExpoPlaza» Amsterdamskaya str. 1, Berezovka, Kyiv region (Zhytomyr highway) ⠀⠀
Registration: free on the organisers' website ⠀⠀
We invite everyone who is interested in innovations in the field of electric vehicles and their service to Plug-in Ukraine 2021, which will be held in Kyiv on 14-16 September.
At the exhibition you will be able not only to see with your own eyes, but also to try out the diagnostic equipment developed in our own design and development department:
We are pleased to invite you to visit the exhibition.
The MS112 test bench, with which you can diagnose the electrical compressor of the air conditioner of cars with DC supply voltage from 140 to 400V. The bench provides a check of the electrical part of the compressor and conducts a test of its performance. Nitrogen is used as the working body.
The MS800 tester, which allows you to determine the module capacity of a high-voltage nickel-metal hydride (Ni-Mh, NiMh) hybrid car battery. The tester provides simultaneous testing of up to 36 battery modules in fully automatic and round-the-clock mode. Charging is carried out in two stages: fast charge and drip top-up. The maximum current for charging – 4,5A, for discharging – 6A. The capacity of the modules is determined at the discharge stage.
Also you will be presented a multifunctional device LOKI, developed by our partners, the official distributor of which is MSG Equipment. It allows you to perform all the necessary service functions for repair and maintenance of Tesla Model S, Model X, Model 3 and Model Y vehicles. The LOKI allows you to perform up to 80% of all Tesla diagnostic work.
Demonstrations of our equipment will be carried out on vehicles and units provided by our partners MasterServiceElectro.
Look for us in the electric vehicle area. Come and get new knowledge and impressions. We are waiting for you, it will be interesting! ⠀⠀