How to choose a tool for universal car service?

If you've decided to start a one-stop shop from scratch or want to expand the range of services at your service station, you'll need specialised tools for the workshop. Let's take a look at what helps a car mechanic to repair various units and systems of a car.
What tools are available for repairing starters and alternators
This line of products includes various tools and heads for disassembly and assembly of electrical units, convenient and quick disassembly of their components (pulleys, overrunning clutches, etc.).
MSG equipment manufactures MS0204 pullers, which fit almost all alternators of manufactured cars. This tool set is designed for replacing the rear rotor bearings of auto generators and is good for not damaging the collector slip rings in the process.
Tools needed for auto air conditioning repair
In car air conditioners, the compressor and clutch are the most commonly broken. To replace their worn components, you'll need special pullers and attachments.
A car air conditioner repair.
We recommend buying a car air conditioner repair tool kit. For example, you will need the MS1253 pulley remover kit, which serves climate control units of different car brands. It will allow you to quickly and easily remove worn parts for replacement.
Brands of tools for car service, which are trusted by car repairmen: MSG equipment, Force, JTC, KingTony, STAHLWILLE, Mastercool, ASTA.
Tools needed for shock absorber repair
Different auxiliary tools are used in repairing shock absorbers and struts: wrenches (hex keys, oval wrenches), rod inserts of different diameters, suspension spring pullers, etc.
Suspension spring pullers, etc.
MSG equipment manufactures a highly specialised puller MS20001 for removing Mercedes W221 suspension ball joints. Its use provides quick and safe access to the shock absorber when removing it from the vehicle. Moreover, the price of this puller is much lower than the price of a similar tool from the official manufacturer.
Also pay attention to the MS20002 vise. With their help you can securely fix the shock absorber or steering rack, and, if necessary, rotate them around their own axis. The position and fixation of the units is controlled by two screws.
What tools are used to repair brake calipers
When a workshop technician is tasked with disassembling and repairing brake calipers, it's important for them to understand that these devices contain components that can be damaged if disassembled incorrectly.
To safely repair a car's brake caliper, MSG equipment engineers have developed two tools:
- MS30001 – for removal and installation. This tool is suitable for compressing the spring and supplying the retaining ring without damaging the brake cylinder mirror.
- MS30002 – for installation. When installing the brake caliper basket, it is inserted into this tool, placed in the caliper well and opened in the seating area. This also leaves the brake cylinder mirror unharmed.
These fixtures are unique.
Tools used for assembly and disassembly of the steering rack
The selection of tools used in the maintenance of steering mechanisms is quite wide. First of all, these are wrenches for removing and screwing on nuts of various diameters, hub and pulley pullers, and various fittings.
These tools are used to remove and screw on nuts of various diameters.
If a car service technician deals with such faults of steering racks as leakage, backlash, ring wear, he knows firsthand how difficult it is to get a burst oil seal out of the rack shaft. To facilitate this process and to protect the mirror of the unit's hydraulic cylinder from mechanical damage, we have developed the MS00058 collet. And for quick and safe shrinking of new oil seals into the rack's hydraulic cylinder, the MS00030 device is used.
When deciding which tool you need for the car repair shop, pay attention to brand recognition, tool quality, warranty terms, customer feedback.
Want to know more? Then we recommend reading this article: What diagnostic equipment you need for your car repair shop.