How to diagnose Tesla’s vehicle? Loki’s new features

How to diagnose Tesla’s vehicle? Loki’s new features

Tesla set a sales record for all years of production, in 2021. At the end of the year, 936,172 Tesla electric vehicles were sold across the globe. This achievement is impressive, especially against the backdrop of a worldwide decline in car sales due to the shortage of microchips.

Tesla, as any vehicle, requires periodic maintenance and sometimes repair: no one canceled breakdowns during operation and accidents. Tesla cannot be serviced or repaired at the nearest service station because requires specialized equipment designed especially for Tesla vehicles. Even in the United States, where there are a large number of Tesla, not every city can find a service station for the repair, and maintenance of these vehicles.

How to organize the diagnostic and repair of Tesla?

Tesla created an online service for the diagnosis and maintenance of their vehicles, not so long ago, which is called Tesla Toolbox 3 ( Access to the service is paid. Annual, monthly and even daily subscriptions are possible. With the Toolbox 3 service to diagnose the Tesla, all you need are several diagnostic cables and a laptop with internet access. Diagnostic cables can be made independently, and schemes are freely available or bought. Toolbox 3 has video troubleshooting instructions, service bulletins, and repair manuals, to facilitate the maintenance and repair process.

However, Tesla Toolbox 3 has several significant drawbacks:

  • Use is problematic without appropriate knowledge, and training use is problematic.
  • Service functionality is limited, e. g., you cannot turn on Factory Mode.
  • There’s very little repair documentation.
  • There is no technical support, which forces us to refer to the profile forums and a long-term search for ways to solve the problem when repairing the Tesla.

Tesla Toolbox 3 service is the Loki diagnostic scanner. It is a profitable alternative, which for the last update of the software has significantly expanded its capabilities and received additional functionality similar to the Toolbox:

  • turn on any Service mode firmware;
  • switching eSIM card to external SIM;
  • reset passwords regardless of the firmware version;

   and much more, features depend on the version of the firmware.

Additional program modules are available for the scanner, and their number is constantly growing:

  • Secured Configuration plug-in for Tesla Model 3/Y. Plug-in allows you to edit hidden settings of the vehicle configuration.
  • KEY FOB PAIRING FOR MODEL X FEATURE plug-in. Plug-in allows you to pair the key to Tesla Model X.

Also, every Loki scanner owner gets the opportunity to receive free qualified online advice from our specialists on the scanner and technical issues related to the repair of Tesla.

And at the MSG equipment training center, everyone can be trained in the diagnostic and repair of Tesla. During the training considered, all issues related to the comprehensive diagnosis of Tesla:

  • correct connection to the vehicle ports;
  • correct binding of blocks to the vehicle;
  • correct configuration of vehicle configurations;
  • navigation installation;
  • autopilot activation;
  • rules of safe operation with high-voltage vehicle systems;

   and lots of other helpful information.

Loki scanner is a tool with which it is possible to organize maintenance and repair of Tesla on any service station. Loki Diagnostic Scanner is constantly improving, and its capabilities are increasing.