History of the MS502M stand

The company «Master Service» was engaged in car repair and needed equipment for the needs of its own service stations. At some point the idea came – to create our own production. Having gathered all the necessary technical specialists, we made our first step in this direction – we created the MS502M stand.
Company «Master Service» was engaged in car repair and needed equipment for the needs of our own workshops.
The stand was successfully tested in the car service centre «Master Service». Then, our team received an order to produce a similar stand for sale, which we successfully fulfilled.
And then, our team received an order to produce a similar stand for sale, which we successfully fulfilled.
Our equipment for steering repair and diagnostics has a much lower cost than its European counterparts, so it is quite natural that the MS502M has become popular with service station owners.
Determine the malfunction of steering can be only while driving the car or using the stand. Checking on the stand will help the technician to find the leakage of hydraulic fluid, check the integrity of the body and components, study the readings of the unit during the simulation of car movement.
Benefits of buying a standMS502M
- The design of our stand provides a bath for draining the fluid from the rack after diagnosis;
- The stand can be operated by a master without special training, it is enough to get consultations of our specialists;
- Equipment is suitable for work with any models of steering control.
The buyer can always get advice from our specialists. We offer a warranty on all the equipment we sell. Our technical support specialists do not only advise on MS502M maintenance. We can tell you what faults there are with steering racks and help you identify and fix them.
Gifts to customers!
Buy a stand for diagnostics of steering racks MS502M until 31.12.2018, you will receive a gift collet MS00058. This universal tool is suitable for all car brands.
The MSG MS00058 gland removal collet helps you to quickly and efficiently remove the inner gland from the hydraulic cylinder without mechanical damage or deformation of the seat.