How to choose a tow rope: types, materials and brands

The tow rope is an essential item that should be in the boot of your car. It is a robust product with a high level of reliability. It has special hooks on both sides. With their help, the cable is attached to two cars. It is used in different situations: the car is stuck in the snow, a serious malfunction of the vehicle.
The types of ropes: dynamic, metal and fabric
There are products on sale that are made of different materials. Therefore, car owners have a question how to choose a tow rope. Quality products have good performance characteristics and cope with the tasks at hand. They comply with the established standards. Therefore, during towing, the ropes withstand the loads and do not break.
Towing ropes can also be used for towing.
How to choose a dynamic rope
A dynamic rope refers to a product that can withstand tremendous loads. It is ideal for off-road vehicles. When selecting a jerk rope, you should pay attention to the following parameters:
- length;
- tensile strength;
- maximum working load;
- attachment for tow rope;
- stretchability.
Dynamic tow rope is a product that can be used to free a heavy vehicle from captivity. When stretched, the rope slowly stores energy. When the tension becomes critical, it shrinks sharply. A car stuck in a snow drift or in mud is thus pulled out onto the road.
How to choose a metal cable
When deciding such a question, you need to find out what the length of the tow rope is. Car tow ropes come in different sizes. The optimum option is 4-6 metres. This is due to the safety requirements of the road.
Metal rope is a product that is made of interwoven steel wire. It has high strength properties. It can therefore be used to tow an off-road vehicle or minibus. The product is used for a long time, but has certain disadvantages. This is a tendency to corrosion and low elasticity.
How to choose a fabric rope
A product made of fabric is characterised by convenience in transport and safety in use. The fabric rope has sufficient strength. It is therefore suitable for towing small passenger cars.
Fibres of polyvinyl chloride and nylon are used for the fabric rope. They are securely twisted into a spiral. When selecting this product, you should be guided by its technical characteristics. These include length, maximum permissible working load.
Popular brands
Answering the question of what should be a tow rope, you need to consider the products of well-known brands. There are products from different brands in the range of regular shops and online marketplaces. The most popular solutions include products from brands such as:
The following are some of the most popular brands.
- «ProSwisscar» are tow ropes made from polyester. They are equipped with two hooks and a locking device;
- «CarLife» - straps made of durable material. They are equipped with carabiners with a locking device;
- «Kioki» - products characterised by safety of use and reliability of fastening.
How to check tow ropes
To ensure that the product copes with its tasks, you need to pay attention to an important point. By this we mean the tow rope mounts, as this is the weakest point. It must be reliable. On sale are products equipped with metal hooks, carabiners, special grippers. Metal hooks are the best option.
Take note of the information in our article. Then you'll be able to choose a car rope that won't let you down in a tricky situation.
And then you'll be able to choose a car rope that won't let you down.