Tesla diagnostics Model Y navigation installation

The world saw the first Tesla Model Y in March 2019, and the car went into mass production a year later.
This mid-range electric crossover is made on the Model 3 platform and takes the best from Tesla's popular sedan. By default, all modifications of the “igrek” are equipped with the company's autopilot, audio system, heated seats, and a full electric package.
The Model 3 electric crossover is made on the Model 3 platform and takes the best from Tesla's popular sedan.
Why Tesla Model Y is not popular in the CIS?
Despite the technical identity of the Tesla Model Y and Model 3, buyers from the CIS countries were not in a hurry to buy “igrek”. This is due to the fact that Model Y service until recently was available only in official service centres. Until 2021, none of the “unofficial” specialists servicing electric cars managed to get close to the “igrek” software.
LOKI: first step towards Model Y service
At the beginning of 2021, things moved a step forward: the developers and programmers of the LOKI device made navigation installation available. Now American “igers” can plot a route in Europe as well.
The technical experts from LOKI intend to maximise the possibilities of the device for diagnostics and service of Tesla Model Y cars and to enable car repair shops to fully work with “igecs”.
Find out more about Tesla diagnostics with LOKI and order the device on our website.