Frequently asked questions about the operation of the MS111

Auto air conditioning repair – the main focus of your service? Then you will be interested to know about all the features of the MS111 stand, which is used for diagnostics of car air conditioner compressors.
What are the causes of car air conditioner breakdowns
There are many reasons for failure, but the main ones are: technological errors, violation of operating rules, aggressive external influence, mechanical damage.
With the help of MS111 it is possible to check the performance of new and reconditioned units, to determine the parameters of their operation without mounting on the car.
Use the stand, the workshop technician will be able to draw the right conclusions about the condition of the air conditioner compressor, which is its main element and, accordingly, – often fails. The value of low pressure LP should be within the limits from 1,6 to 2,4 bar, and high pressure HP – from 8 to 16 bar. The temperature at the evaporator should drop to 5 degrees or less. It should be remembered that after each running-in of the compressor on the bench, it is necessary to check the condition of the oil, having previously drained it from the compressor. The compressor is suitable for operation when the oil is clean and transparent and free of metal particles.
Features of the MS111 stand
The MS111 diagnostic bench, unlike its competitors, uses refrigerant (Freon) as the working body, which makes the compressor test conditions as close as possible to its natural conditions on the car. With the help of the stand it is possible not only to check the condition of the compressor, but also to run-in after repair, which allows to give a guarantee for the performed repair works. Freon R134a is used in the stand. At the same time, it is also possible to check compressors that work with a new type of Freon R1234.
Filters used in the stand are the most common, plumbing, polypropylene with a mesh size of 1 micron. They are inexpensive and can be purchased at a general shop that sells water purification systems.
A set of adapters in the kit, allows you to connect to the stand compressors of any type and manufacturer.
How to prevent air conditioner compressor failure
In most cases, the breakdown of the compressor of the air conditioner can be prevented if you do maintenance of the entire climate system in time. The operation of the air conditioner depends not only on the condition of the compressor, but on the precise and well-coordinated functioning of all elements of the system.
Conditioner compressor breakdown can be prevented in most cases if maintenance of the entire climate system is done in time.
Deciding to buy a standMS111 for service stations, you can be sure that it will not break down (breakdown of the equipment is practically excluded). In case there are doubts about the correctness of the test bench readings, there is always an opportunity to contact the technical support service. MSG Equipment specialists will connect to the stand remotely via Team Viewer and solve the problem.