Diagnostics of AC compressor. MS111 main functions

What kind of equipment is used in service centers to diagnose technical state of AC and climate systems compressors on R134A refrigerant? How to carry out the diagnostics with MS111 Test bench?
Answers to questions concerning vehicle AC failures are provided below.
Diagnostics of AC compressor. MS111 main functions
Main factors that cause compressor AC malfunction are as follows: penetration of moisture and dust into the system, low oil level, system overheating. Repair suggests that damaged AC compressor clutch and other elements should be replaced. In case of compressor seizure, it should be completely replaced.
Early detection of a failure helps to escape costly repair, but it requires careful diagnostics.
MS111 Test bench manufactured by MSG Equipment is used for diagnostics of vehicle AC compressors. The test bench checks for correct operation of new and renovated AC compressors, measures their operation parameters separately from the car. Professional equipment for auto workshops helps to measure quickly and accurately pressure, evaporation and condensation temperatures, engine rpm speed. The equipment set includes adapters to connect all types of compressors to the test bench.
The advantages of MS111 test bench
The equipment is used for diagnostics of technical state of AC and climate systems compressors on refrigerants R134A, R12, R1234.
- All types of compressors of different manufacturers can be diagnosed;
- The equipment set includes a tool kit (adapters and clamps) to connect compressors with different connection types;
- All the functions of the test bench can be controlled by means of LCD touch screen;
- Automated system of air and refrigerant pumping-out;
- Smooth step-by-step regulation of drive speed;
- Diagnostic results can be saved and printed out;
- Technical support is available in case questions сconcerning MS111 operation and repair arise
AC diagnostics
Axial-piston air conditioners with wobble plate are most widespread today. But in any case, before launching compressor diagnostics regardless its type, oil condition should be checked. Transparent slightly greenish oil proves excellent state of the compressor piston block. And to the contrary, greyish tint oil and impurities show that the compressor disassembly is required. MS101P flushing stand manufactured by MSG equipment will help to purify system pipeline from contamination.