Activation of Performance mode on Tesla

News for those who provide Tesla maintenance services or plan to open this promising business in the future.
A plug-in for LOKI has been released that extends the functionality of the device and allows you to change and edit the following parameters:
- carcomputer_pn, carcomputer_sn - SN of the ICU. Required when changing the ICU;
- country - country configuration change. For example, it is necessary to change the algorithm of flashing headlights, and adaptation of the car of the Asian market to the European (eg, maps, language, music services);
- autopilot - changing the type of autopilot, for example, to FSD;
- supercharging access - activation of supercharger (v1, v2);
- performance package - activation of Performance or Acceleration Boost depending on the motor types;
- vin - car's vin number Plugin is necessary when changing ITS, or using donor certificates;
- connectivity Package - Activation of Premium Connectivity;
- softRanger - Removal of software battery capacity limitation on cars where it is present;
- immersive Audio - activation of additional functionality of the audio system;
- Memmersive Audio - activation of additional functionality of the audio system.