Results of ReMaTec Asia 2019 Exhibition

Results of ReMaTec Asia 2019 Exhibition
Our team has just come back from ReMaTec Asia 2019 Exhibition, which took place on October 11-13 in Guangzhou.
During ReMaTec Asia Exhibition we met like-minded colleagues working in the field of auto service. We discussed issues concerning changes and innovations in this branch of industry, that have a significant impact on car units renovation and rebuilt. We highlighted all the strong points of MSG Equipment test benches and tools.
We were immensely impressed by the caliber of the event: there was a great many presentations and discussions, of which, along with the representatives of Chinese companies, a lot of experts in car units renovation from other countries were the participants. We found out about innovative projects and got useful information that would help us to continue as international experience-oriented company.
Participation in a large-scale exhibition such as ReMaTec Asia 2019 offers us an opportunity to hit the following targets:
- To get a chance to meet up with the customers. Owners of car service centers are always willing to share their ideas and business needs that could be satisfied with the use of our equipment. Following up, we can improve our test benches and tools, and make them even more user-friendly.
- To be given the insight into the changing demands and focuses of the business. Any exhibition is always the place to discover the latest trends and the newest technologies, taking over the old ones.
We successfully negotiated with the potential partners from Asia and picked up a lot of new and interesting information.